Prof Talk
With Farha Khan on UBC's CiTR 101.9FM. Radio that gets professors talking.
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October 2010 Shows

October 19th

Dr. Marilyn Chapman will discuss her role as the lead researcher and author of the new guide for full-day kindergarten in the province, as well as her role in directing the Institute for Early Childhood Education and Research in UBC’s Faculty of Education.

October 5th

Dr. Neil Safier from the Department of History discusses his new class on the history of Amazonia as well as his recent trip to Manaus, Brazil.

a place of mind, The University of British Columbia

Prof Talk on UBC's CiTR 101.9FM
Host Farha Khan
#233-6138 SUB Blvd,
Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z1, Canada
Tel: 604 822-2487 (on air)

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