Prof Talk
With Farha Khan on UBC's CiTR 101.9FM. Radio that gets professors talking.
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September 2010 Shows

September 21st

Dr. Ken Bryant from the UBC Department of Asian Studies will discuss his upcoming class on Bollywood film as well as the histories of the languages of Urdu and Hindi in literature and popular culture.

September 7th

Professor Gu Xiong, UBC Department of Art History and Visual Art discusses his exhibit “Becoming Rivers” at the Museum of Anthropology;how his work focuses on the dynamics of globalization and on identity shifts for individuals and local cultures, addressing how integration and assimilation, histories both collective and personal, and cultural synthesis cut across boundaries.

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a place of mind, The University of British Columbia

Prof Talk on UBC's CiTR 101.9FM
Host Farha Khan
#233-6138 SUB Blvd,
Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z1, Canada
Tel: 604 822-2487 (on air)

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