Prof Talk
With Farha Khan on UBC's CiTR 101.9FM. Radio that gets professors talking.
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Prof Talk


Farha Khan

Farha Khan

Prof Talkis a radio talk show that aims to bring professors at the University of British Columbia talking about current/past events at the local and international level.

The show has two aims:

  • The first is to provide a space for faculty to engage in dialogue about important events and to share their current research on the subject at hand;
  • The second aim is to provide a space for interdisciplinary thinking, as interviews with professors are made with faculty from a variety of disciplines.

Every Tuesday at 3:00PM on CiTR 101.9 on the FM dial, live streaming audio at;

a place of mind, The University of British Columbia

Prof Talk on UBC's CiTR 101.9FM
Host Farha Khan
#233-6138 SUB Blvd,
Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z1, Canada
Tel: 604 822-2487 (on air)

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